Health Care

Today our president signs a “health care bill” into law.
Most Americans are unhappy about this.
There is much posturing around coffee bars at work, on job sites, and in grocery store lines. Talk radio is abuzz, people are calling in saying the country is lost; Republican politicians are on saying “this will not stand!” and making all sorts of promises (yeah, right…). It’s even worse on line – people are thumping their chests, saying “That’s IT! From this point forward I am ….” (yeah, right…) There are rumours of doctors and nurses quitting in protest (yeah, right… not YET anyway). I have received phone calls from normally sober individuals who are deeply concerned about what is happening.
This is all venting, letting off steam, and I reckon it’s good in some ways. But the sheeple still don’t get it – not in any kind of large numbers.
You see, this bill is not about health care - it's about population control via health care. Think deeply on this.
Instead of sounding off and shouting (in person or on line) and making all kinds of dire predictions and empty threats, I think it would be more useful to focus on what we can do. Obviously, writing and calling our congresscritters doesn’t work. As I said, this bill is about population control - but it will use the health care system (and the IRS and, if necessary dudes in black kit with really cool weapons and other toys) to do it.
Whining and wailing will not help us. So what can we do?
It’s time to get your medical situation squared away. Here are some ideas:
I am not a doctor or any kind of medical authority.
Before you implement any of these suggestions you must check with competent medical authority. Really.
Get up to date
Schedule yourself (and your loved ones) for a physical. Get a blood workup. If you have an ongoing problem – get it taken care of. Go see your dentist for a teeth cleaning and check up. Then get your teeth fixed. Go to the optometrist and get new prescriptions. Or go get lasik or PRK or whatever – get your eyes right. If you wear glasses – obtain several pair. If you wear contacts – make sure you have spare glasses.
Start (continue) squirreling away all manner of medical supplies and medicines. Start with things you know how to use - Bandaids, Neosporin, cough medicine, pain relievers and expand into areas where you may not (yet) be “qualified” – stethoscope, blood pressure cuffs, minor surgery kits, casting material, scrubs, and so on and so on. You may not now how to use these supplies yet – but you could learn, or an itinerant doctor could wander by. Most medicines can be frozen to prolong life. You can bet this stuff will start being controlled.
Get Healthy
Eat right and exercise. Cut the sugars, cut the fat, cut the useless calories. Eat a lot more vegetables and leafy greens. Eat less red meat. Exercise portion control. We as a people are FAT. You are probably FAT. Stop it. Exercise some personal discipline. Exercise – (after checking with your doctor) get your heart rate up and sweat for 20 minutes at least three times per week – five times is better. Pushing a shopping cart is not exercise. Walking your dog is not exercise. Playing golf or mowing the lawn is not exercise. You need to be breathing hard, your heart needs to be thumping and you need to be sweating.
Get out there.
Create a network
Start seeking out, approaching and assessing medical people for potential future help. EMTs, paramedics and dental hygenists may be the best “doctors” you can find. I told a woman who works in an orthodontist office that she was our dentist. She said, “I am not qualified”. I told her it was either her or me with a pair of vice grips and a bottle of whiskey – she took the job. By all means seek out doctors and nurses as well. Practice your people skills.
Get trained
Start getting medical training. Make sure others in your household do as well – you may need them. Take an EMT course at your community college. If you join a volunteer fire department they will likely train you to be a First Responder and may pay for all or some of your EMT training. Join Boy Scouts and sit in on the First Aid merit badge – or just go buy the book and work through the exercises (yes, actually DO them). Certified Nursing Assistant is a fairly short course of study at the community college. Red Cross offers certification in first aid, CPR and other related areas. Find a doctor or nurse and have them give your group classes – then think about inviting them to join.
If you are a medical person
Don’t quit – yet. Start planning now to run your own underground clinic, dispensary or surgical ward. You will need a place, supplies, and a plan. You will likely also work outside of your area of expertise – that’s okay the rules will be different and you will know more than the auto mechanic does. If you are not a medical person – start meeting some and planting seeds in this area.
Gather references
Start your medical library. Where there is no Doctor and Where there is no Dentist are both good. Others suggest the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR)
Think “old school”Start learning and practicing home remedies. Gather needed supplies. Start learning and using medicinal plants. Build up a supply. Plant an herb garden. If you don’t know this stuff – learn. If you do know it – teach others.
Go and DO
Reading this blog, reading a book or website on the ‘net is not enough. Not by half. You need to actually get out and do stuff. PRACTICE. Practice again. Vary the conditions. You have all the time in the world now. You have perfect conditions now. It’s legal – now. Act while you can.
I’ll see ya out there.
Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise. – Jeremiah 17:14
If you have any comments I’d love to hear them.
If they really interest me, I may even post them.
You can reach me at Joe
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Prepared Americans for a Strong America