What will we do about the refugees?

In the aftermath of a Big Bad Event (I'll call it a BBE - maybe it will catch on) there will be lots of hurting people. But we won’t be amongst them! “WE will be squared away because WE have stored food. The SHEEPLE will be hungry. If I give MY food to the SHEEPLE - my daughter may starve to DEATH - so I gotta be hard.” That’s how some of the thinking goes…
Others say, "I will give ‘til it hurts." But they haven't thought through that when they feel the pain it could be death pangs for their own family.
Others have prepared "refugee meals" to hand out to the miserable masses that stream past their retreat - "Here, take this and move on". Some have set MREs aside for this purpose. One cool idea I saw was a family who made up about 100 meals consisting of a 2 liter bottle of water and a small metal paint can full of rice and dried beans. On top of the product but under the lid was a pack of matches. The idea was for folks to take this food kit and move out to a place where they would have to build a fire and cook – so they wouldn’t hang around.
What happens if they DON'T move on? What if they set up camp across the road (or just down the road out of sight) and you become a soup kitchen. What happens when there is no more "soup" and you now have a mass of humanity right across the street? Hungry humanity.
In my travels I have met a few people who believe God laid it on their heart to prepare for others. In every case it was for Christians who never got or never listened to the Preparedness Message (Proverbs 6:6 is a decent place to begin) and were now running from "the Beast government" and needed some respite in the wilderness. They had a LOT of food put aside for others. I’m talking trailers and barns full.
I have recently been coming across others who have started to feel the unction to prepare for others – others who failed to provide for themselves.
There are obvious problems with feeding the hungry.
The first is having the food to feed them.
How can we afford it? Where do we get it? Where do we store it?
Then, how do we prepare it? You will not prepare 100 (or 1,000) helpings of soup in a canteen cup - or even your normal kitchen soup pot. DO we prepare it or do we hand out ready to eat food, or food that they themselves must prepare. Perhaps it would give them some dignity to do something for themselves – something like cook their own food.
An idea I am working on is turning our church into a way point, a food distribution center and perhaps even a shelter to be activated after a BBE. The church has resources to buy food and space to store it and water. This allows us to separate “their food” from “our food”. It lets us maintain a degree of homestead security in that the masses are not at our personal front door.
Security can be a huge issue. Most have probably seen the opening scene in “Blackhawk Down” where the starving masses are gunned down by evil militia who are stealing the food. Food is a weapon – it always has been and there will always be people who know how to wield it as such.
If one sets up a feeding operation one will have to secure the hungry people from bad guys. They will have to secure the aid workers from bad guys and perhaps from hungry people. They will have to secure the FOOD from everyone. Not just the area immediately around the feeding or distributing operation will need to be secured, but also the approach and departure routes.
If you encourage or even allow folks to stay around in hopes of another meal (and many will try) you will now have a refugee camp on your hands. Very quickly you will have more than food and security concerns. You will be confronted with hygiene issues – they eat, they drink – they have to go somewhere. Housing, clothing, medical – disease. It goes on an on.
John Smith hung a sign above the gate to Jamestown – “He who does not work, shall not eat” (that is biblical, by the way). See, they showed up on our shores with a whole bunch of soft handed “gentlemen” and a few servants. Well, folks got sick and died. It was time for everyone to pitch in to grow food and hunt critters but the gentlemen did not want to. They felt entitled to be taken care of.
We have a couple generations of people in this country who feel “entitled”. "Feed me, help me, do for me" – when they are perfectly capable of doing for themselves. It angers me when I see perfectly healthy adult males sitting on the porch or hanging out on the corner day after day while I work to support them. Is there anything wrong with telling the refugees who are able – “you have to work before I feed you”? Maybe make them make the big pot of soup, or fetch firewood for the cooking fires or…. But I fear many will refuse to do so, will get angry and then possibly violent.
I recall the “starving masses” at Katrina plus 4 days. All ANGRY because they were given MREs to eat. “I can’t eat THIS!” Yeah, it’s not chicken nuggets….
And yet, in a real BBE – there WILL be hungry people. There WILL be helpless people. And they likely WILL be in your area.
Where am I going with this?
I want to know what you think.
What you believe.
What you have seen or done.
What ideas you have.
I just started a post over at the forums.
Why don’t you register, log in and tell me what you think?
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. – Matthew 25:41 - 46
If you have any comments I’d love to hear them.
If they really interest me, I may even post them.
You can reach me at Joe
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